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"The qualities that make a powerful leader are the same qualities that make a healthy, fully integrated human being."
-Warren Bennis
 On Becoming a Leader

Developing Effective Teams & Leadership through Integrative Music-Based Programs



Integral Pathways music-based programs provide teams with a dynamic and high-spirited activity incorporating the community rhythm circle as its foundation. Universally revered and time-honored, this institution provides a unique team venture that creates connection, innovation and synergy. Team members become potent contributors to a rich rhythmic tapestry that evolves with Kulu’s skilled and compassionate facilitation.

Integral Pathways engages teams with:

  • Group-generated drum rhythms
  • Rhythmic initiatives and games
  • Collaborative and integrative exercises
  • Spontaneous composition
  • Learning metaphors and wisdom stories
  • Vocal harmonizing and guided improvisation
  • Intuitive Rhythmic Movement™
  • Integral AQAL Theory

Kulu’s innovative programs integrate multiple learning modalities, offering teams new possibilities for effective, multi-layered problem solving. Programs weave together a unique blend of rich musical celebration with leading-edge contemporary insights from:

  • Multiple Intelligence research
  • Systems & Relationships theory
  • EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
  • Co-Active Leadership development
  • High-level Wellness studies

The listening skills, creativity and cooperation cultivated in the rhythm circle resonate long afterward as participants feel both unified and energized by the successful collaborative experience. Teams receive both an immediate new reference for coordinated action as well as long-lasting harmony and connection, enhancing workplace fulfillment and productivity.






(641) 451-0354  •